Friday, February 7, 2020

Medical Negligence and Malpractice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Medical Negligence and Malpractice - Essay Example Personal cases of medical professionals will also be discussed where they reveal the true face of pharmaceutical industry in addition to the existing laws against such practice. Finally suggestions and recommendations will be made to effectively handle such problems. According to the Canadian Bar Association (2010), Medical professionals are under strict legal binding to provide their patients with the best care and treatment possible. Rule no. 3A of Medical Duty states that it is a duty of any medical professional as he/she legally owes proper care to the patient (Khan, et al 2002, p.71). They may completely refuse to undertake any given case due to any reason, personal or other. Once they accept any patient, they are bound to providing proper medical treatment. As Keir et al (2007, p.33), providing detailed and the best possible care to their patients is what actually constitutes proper and efficient practice of medicine. If in case the professional fails to deliver the kind of ser vice that would be given in any normal circumstances then it is referred to as Medical Negligence (Barnes, 2001, p.113). In such a case, if the patient suffers an injury due to the doctor’s negligence of medical professional, then the patient reserves the right to sue the medical professional against medical malpractice (Bardale 2011, p.23) In the recent times of capitalism, pharmacies are also not left behind in the rat race of increasing profits (Gad, 2009, 04). Following table gives the evidence Table: Top 25 Drug Companies by Sale (2006) According to Rat h (2003, p.50), pharmaceutical industry is now striving to driving its forces to increase the sale of its product rather than achieving its main motive of curing the diseases in the world. The ultimate aim to innovate new medicines is only to relieve symptoms of any disease, not to eradicate it. Eradicating and eliminating any disease through thoughtful research in the field of medicine would mean destroying the chance to earn millions of dollars in form of prescriptions. For this purpose, new breakthrough and advancement in the field of curing any disease are suppressed and do not get the kind of attention it deserves. This suppression is the reason why many fatal diseases are still incurable. In order to boost sales, pharmaceutical companies are deliberately holding back information which the public has every right to know like the common side effects and risks to other organs of the body.(Company, 2002, p. 326) The real face of drug companies (Luisa, 2011) shares the experiences of Gwen Olsen, who used to belong the same industry. Gwen states the frightening and alarming truth about this industry which has become extremely corrupt, running only after the financial gain rather than medicating its patients. Olsen (2009, p. 09) even states that as a Medical Sales Representative, she was trained by the company to give misinformation to doctors and medical professionals about the medicines her company produced. It has just become a game of money where disease seasons are awaited and KPIs matter more than empathy towards curing their patients. Agell (2004) talks about her personal experience with the viciousness of pharmaceutical industry. She had the honor of spending about twenty years of her life for â€Å"

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