Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mill vs kant Essay

The writings of John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant present very different ideas concerning the Ethical Problem. Mill’s ideas are referred to as Utilitarianism. In this system of thought, the basic belief is that happiness is the greatest goal and actions should be judged by their ability to provide the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people. Kant, the Deontologist, believed that it is not the result of the action that is important, but the action itself. He advocated a moral rule based on reason. The basic ideas found in these philosophers’ writings lead me to see Mill’s argument as the more plausible solution to the ethical problem. He believed that morality is associated with happiness and his idea that greater happiness for the greatest number of people should be the ultimate goal appears to be a worthy ambition. This would contribute to social order and supports our accepted ideas that actions such as murder are wrong. There are two definitions included in his writing which explained his ideas more clearly to me. The first was â€Å"The Greatest Happiness Principle, which was defined as actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness† ( ) Happiness is defined as â€Å" pleasure and the absence of pain†( )Based on my own experience it is plausible to believe most of us are seeking pleasure and attempting to avoid pain; if these attempts are designed to provide the most happiness to the most people, it would appear we are attempting to be moral. This also seems to be common sense, pleasure is good and pain is bad; regardless of other beliefs most people do accept this. The effects on a society, where people are attempting to provide the most pleasure for the most people, cannot be overlooked. This type of society would be more fair and peaceful since everyone must consider the needs of others equal to their own. This idea that morality of an action is based on the amount of happiness it produces for the most people can be understood and possibly studied. It appears that if sociologists or psychologists could determine what makes people happy, we might be able to design social policies that would benefit society by increasing the happiness of a larger number of people. Mill recognizes that â€Å"some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others† ( 37 text) and feels it would be ridiculous to think that pleasure should only be measured by quantity and that his pleasure principal would turn humans into unhappy irrational animals only interested in less valuable pleasure. ( text ) The deontological moral theory of Kant is very different from the Utilitarian theory of Mill, and in my opinion much more difficult to read and understand. He believes that whether or not an action is right or wrong, moral or immoral â€Å"does not depend on the consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty. † (3) This was based on his belief that there was a supreme principle of morality that he referred to as the Categorical Imperative. (4) This philosophy also required that two questions be asked before any action is taken. They are:† Can I rationally will that everyone act as I purpose to act? â€Å"There is only one categorical imperative. It is: Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. † (Text) I believe he is arguing . if you don’t think everyone should take this action, you should not. â€Å"Does my action respect the goals of human beings rather than merely using them for my own purposes? (5) He also felt that the motivation for your actions determined if you were acting as a good and moral person. It is the motivation based on morality which is important not the consequences of the action. To Kant giving money to charity because it is deductable on your income tax is not a moral action; Mill would consider it moral because the happiness of some people is increased. Kant believed duty was more important than happiness and unhappiness should not affect your willingness to do your duty. The things he believed and the questions he asked were based on the idea that moral rules are based on reason. I also have difficulty accepting his idea that if two people reasoning logically they will arrive at the same conclusion, if we don’t arrive at the same conclusion who is moral? These ideas led him to create a very ridged view of morality. Things `that violate the categorical imperative are always wrong, no acceptations, and things that are good are always good. I cannot accept the idea that we become moral as the result of reasoning particularly when he indicates that at some point we stop any type of reasoning and accept absolutes. It is difficult not to realize that much of what we view as moral is the result of what we have been taught by our parents and institutions in our society. He gives no consideration to any differences in societies. When I compared the ideas of Kant and Mill, I find Mill’s work more plausible. I find Kant’s the idea that we become moral through reason very hard to accept particularly when you consider how differently societies define morality. Mill bases his ideas on the very simple idea human seek pleasure and attempt to avoid pain; therefore if your actions contribute to providing the most pleasure to the greatest number of people you are moral. Kant claimed not to be against happiness, but saw it as of much less importance than duty.

Did the wall street crash cause the great deppression?

In the commencing essay, I will be evaluating whether the Wall street crash caused the Great Depression or not. I will be discussing whether is has played a major part in the Great Depression, whether it was just a minor incident. The Wall Street Crash was a defining moment in the American economic history. It occurred on October 29, 1929. Before this, the American economy was booming. During the 1920's, share prices were rapidly increasing and businesses were doing very well. The image the world received from America was that that everyone was rich, which wasn't. The farmers were given very small amounts of money for their work. This meant that people had more money so more products were being sold. There was a lot of speculation that share prices would continue to rise. However, in 1929, the stock markets began to fall dramatically and caused devastating effects on the American economy. This was the beginning of long-lasting consequences for the whole country, and the world. The Great Depression was a long gradual period in which America suffered great economic depression, during which financial activity slowed down and unemployment was high. America had a high rate of starvation, homelessness and poverty. P eople were living in poor conditions with very little money. There were a few causes of the Wall street crash. One was overproduction. Throughout the 1920's there was a man known as Henry Ford began to produce cars at an extremely rapid rate. The amount of goods produced by the industry was increasing especially these auto mobiles,l and consumer goods. However, this was stopped from the 1930's. As a result of overproduction, there was not enough wealth for people to keep on buying. The second cause was the weakness in banks. At the start of 1920, there were 30,000 independent banks. Most of these were small banks, in rural areas. They were liable to being withdrawn loans by their customers in large amounts. 10 years later, 5000 banks were gone, which was 1/6th of the country's banks. Another main reason was the extremely uneven distributions in income. In 1929, a staggering 1/3 of the country's wealth belonged to just 5% of the population. Meaning that just 2/3 belonged to 95%. This was a factor of overproduction as limited amount of people in the country could afford new products. Probably the main reason why the Wall Street Crash happened was that there was an international problem with the economy. The ability of the European country's being able to sell goods to America and helping them out with debts, was limited by a Tariff policy which was introduced. This policy (Smoot-Hawley Tariff) was increasing the tax on imports. As a result they were not helped and assured by European countries with trades. This Wall Street Crash impacted many things. As well as the economic downfall, it also caused banks to come to bankruptcy. People borrowed money from the banks, and when the Wall Street crash happened, they were unable to pay the banks back. More than $8.5 billion was loaned out, which is even more than the entire American economy. This great crash also affected the everyday lives of the American citizens. Over 20 million American citizens lived on $2000 per year. People lost their jobs because the business they worked for couldn't afford their wages. So people began to work in the agriculture. Also, all businesses were struggling to survive in this crash. Share prices increased rapidly, and the businesses were unable to pay for their stock. This was a cycle which inflicted on each other, and each one started from the other. The Wall street Crash itself was not the sole reason of the Great Depression. There was very severe drought in the 1930 in the USA, which impacted America even more. If the farmers were unable to grow crops, how would they receive money, and feed their families? If the businesses do not receive the crops, how would they be able to keep receiving profits? As a result, these farmers had to sell their land. This was when famous author John Steinbeck wrote the book ‘The Grapes of Wrath', which was based on this drought. Also, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff as mentioned above, was a vital part in this depression, as trades were limited. In conclusion about whether the Wall Street Crash caused the Great Depression, personally I believe that the Wall Street Crash was not the sole reason for the Great Depression, but was definitely the main reason. If there was no economic downfall, the Great Depression would not have happened. The Wall street crash opened doors for many different problems, such as bankruptcy. If the Wall street crash itself did not happen, these things would not have occurred.

Friday, August 30, 2019

History Teaches Us Only One Thing Essay

â€Å"History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. † History is the past considered as a whole, the series of events which are connected with someone. It is the past which had taken place like the world wars, about the freedom fighters, the evidence which have remained when these incidents took place. Knowing about the past can just help people to gain information and to be aware of what took place in the past and this does not help in taking important decisions today as this only helps people to be aware of the things which took place. The decisions taken at that time and the decisions taken in this modern society are totally different. It is said that â€Å"Past is no predictor of future† , the decisions taken at that time will not help for the decisions taken in the current events because that depends upon the people as to what circumstances they are facing and they can just get aware if at all this has taken place in the past and not the history. The people who took decisions at that particular point of time are totally different than what a person takes at this point of time. Firstly, history does not contain the circumstances that a person wants to take decisions today especially with the circumstances which a person faces at this time and the point taken at that past which is already history. The modern world or society does not depend upon history for decisions. For example, a person taking decisions in business deals cannot be dependent upon the history because a person needs to see all the consequences and the future prospects of his or her business and not on the history, a person can get aware of the things which took place in the past and can take care that the mistakes done in the past should not repeat the wrong decisions taken in the past. It does not depend solely upon the history. The decisions taken by the person will vary from person to person whether a person is choosing a career or decisions are made for business, or it is family decisions. The decisions taken today will vary and the important decisions taken in history does not make any sense in depending on those decisions because it does not help the people in taking right decisions because the circumstances the people faced and the circumstances faced in the modern world are two different things. History is the past and one should not look back for the future decisions taking place in the current situations. One should be aware and should be careful for the decisions, one should look into the consequences of taking the risk for the decisions a person is taking whether it is a family matter, or it is in a business, or choosing a career for a student. Thus, history does not help a person to take decisions of the modern society, past should be remained as a past and should not be considered for future prospects. The decisions taken in history and the decisions taken at this point of time are two different things and one cannot compare these two different things for the important decisions made today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Critical Analysis - Essay Example (Storer v. Manchester City Council1).However it must be stressed that not all communications are offers. An invitation to treat is an invitation by one person to the other to commence negotiations. An advertisement is generally treated as an invitation to treat. (Partridge v. Crittenden2). However the courts in Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.3 found that an advertisement constituted to be an offer. The main reason was that an amount of reward which had been specified was guaranteed, this was seen by the fact that 1000 pounds had been deposited in the bank. However a revocation of a unilateral offer has caused problems. It has been suggested by Treitel that revocation of an offer may occur by the same means of communication of offer. The problem that the courts have faced at times is that of ascertaining when acceptance of a unilateral offer has taken place. The uncertainty that has been caused due to such problems of offer, acceptance and revocation must be resolved by adopting a legislative act and to form an integrated approach to remove any uncertainty. Thus the case law can be taken into account and an Act can be put into effect. The uncertainties will be resolved in the sense that clear points would be present as to when a unilateral offer has come into affect, when acceptance of such offer has taken place and finally of revocation. However if an act is established it would provide a bit more certainty at the cost of flexibility. Thus the flexibility which has prevailed in contract law might be said to be given away. However it can be said that certainty is a vital factor which would be more beneficial than flexibility. In the case of David it can be said that the acceptance would only take place after he had found the coins. Thus the revocation would have taken place if Perry had revoked the offer through the same newspaper. Presuming that David had not been informed of the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

LM4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LM4 - Assignment Example Therefore, for communication to be effective all parts must be involves. Among the parts include; the sender, message, channel, receiver and feed back (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). This process may be presented diagrammatically as shown Below; Message sent via various communication channels Feed back Source: (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272) Communication is a complex process that not only involves the sender and the receiver but also involves how the recipients interpret the message (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). This means that communication is not a straight forward process as it seems to be but rather it is a complex and a technical process (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). Therefore, it is vital to keep in mind the following considerations when communicating: some â€Å"information tends to be unintentionally complex† because the sender may intend to mean a different thing than what the receivers have understood (Denhardt, Denhard t & Aristigueta, p-273). According to Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273, other messages tend to be â€Å"deliberately complex† the situation may occur in an organization setting where people tend to have conflicting goals. Connectively, one should consider that communication tends to be an emotional matter rather than a rational matter as people tend to interpret information differently (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273). ... Strategic ambiguity involves application of language or terms that tend to be unspecific. The terms may be applied to prevent some people to grasping the meaning of the message (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-274). Strategic ambiguity may occur when â€Å"conditions are risky and dynamic†, It may occur when â€Å"relationships are not working well especially when the positions for the elites have been intimidated† (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-274). 2. Why is there generational conflict at work? How do the conflicts tend to manifest themselves in actions/attitudes of mature, mid-career, and younger workers? In traditionalists, baby boomers, GenX, and millenials? What specific motivational and communication practices would be most appropriate for each of these four cohorts in the previous sentence? (1?pgs) A generation conflict refers to differences in interest that occurs in an organization among employees at different age groups whereby, employees tend to p ursue different and diverse values from those of the organization (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307). For instance, old generation approaching retirement may dismiss young generation because they believe that young generation lack knowledge and experience (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307). On the other hand, young generation believes that they are conversant with new technology and therefore they tend to dismiss the views of older generation. According to Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307 â€Å"seventy percent of older generations dismisses the potential of young employees while on the other hand, fifty percent of young generations tend to dismiss the ability of older generation†. In above connection, young generation

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Explain how self-creation, social status, and the idea of success Essay

Explain how self-creation, social status, and the idea of success inform the major theme of Winter Dreams by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Essay Example His desire and aspiration to come out of the shell of a middle class individual in order to become rich and wealthy is one of the most important aspects of the story, which is propelled by his association with the rich and famous golf players such as Mortimer Jones. The meandering relationship of Dexter with Judy, the daughter of Mortimer Jones depicts an intriguing portrait of his character, as well. The intention of Dexter to quit his job as a caddy and his vociferous ambition propels him to reach the pinnacle of life. Fitzgerald’s use of such phrases as â€Å"second-best grocery store† corresponds with Dexter’s hankering for a certain status in the society which is achieved when he becomes a partner in a laundry. As a matter of fact, his longing for status led him to leave the state school and joining the university even though he was pressed for money. The author of this story has carefully weaved his protagonist, Dexter by providing different shades to his imagination and his urge to change his social status by wrapping it with success. However, amidst different incidents in the story particularly the failure of Dexter to marry Irene proves his infidelity towards her; at the same time, he could not satisfy Judy Jones though Fitzgerald has also mentioned the depth of his feelings for Judy: â€Å"It did not take him many hours to decide that he had wanted Judy Jones ever since he was a proud, desirous little boy† (p.7). The story of Winter Dreams describes the ways adopted by people for attaining success which eventually emerge as the most significant reason for unhappiness. The title of the story justifies the dreams of Dexter that are nourished during the most quiescent and inarticulate season of the year that casts a dark shadow in his life when he attains everything except fulfillment. Thus, the story of his success and the attainment of social status reveal

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mergers and aquisitions in the USA banking Dissertation

Mergers and aquisitions in the USA banking - Dissertation Example For the past fifteen years or so mergers and acquisitions in the world of American banking have increased tremendously. There are a number of reasons behind this, such as increase in competition among the financial institutions, the deregulation of the banking sector and upheavals in the economy as well as the interest rates. The paper studies the impact of the consolidation of banks and its effects on the wealth of the shareholders. Though it is largely thought that consolidation is likely to have a positive effect on the wealth of the shareholders, study has found that it is not the case. Thus the thesis discusses in detail the reasons due to which the financial firms of USA are likely to undergo the process of mergers and acquisitions and its impact on the shareholders’ monetary resources. The sample spaces taken for the project are the mergers and acquisitions of the past ten years. The recent most acquisition in the American banking sector is taken into account (the acqui sition of Golden West Financial by Wachovia in 2006) is studied in great detail. The period from the 1930s to the mid 1970s has been the most stable in the history of the American banking sector (Grullon, Michaely, Swary, 1997). However, causes such as an increase in competition, the deregulation of the banking sector and upheavals in the economy as well as the interest rates of the country has resulted in numerous unprecedented problems for the bankers

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Riggs v.Palmer and Speluncean Explorers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Riggs v.Palmer and Speluncean Explorers - Essay Example Fearing that his grandfather might change his decision in respect of the will Elmer Palmer murdered his grandfather through poisoning. The plaintiffs presented the argument that the will would allow Elmer to profit from his heinous crime. Elmer would be punished under the statute for murder but his claim to the estate could not be invalidated under the terms of either probate law or criminal law (Dworkin). In sharp contrast, the Speluncean Explorers case is purely hypothetical in nature and was written by Lon Fuller for the Harvard Law Review in 1949. A team of five entrapped spelunkers is depicted in the Commonwealth of Newgarth who are able to establish radio contact with their rescue team. The spelunkers are told by the engineers that around 10 days would be required for their extraction (Suber) while the spelunkers relate the total food rations they have to the physicians in the rescue team which are deemed insufficient. Radio contact breaks down and resultantly the spelunkers decide to hold a lottery in order to murder one of their members so that others can consume him for survival. The losing member is executed and eaten up. After the rescue the spelunkers are all convicted for murder but there is debate as to the application of murder sentences to the rescued spelunkers (Fuller). For Riggs v Palmer the majority opinion clearly stated that the plaintiffs were justified in their claims and the eventual outcome reinforced Judge Robert Earl’s opinion. The decision declared that the tenets of universal laws and universal maxims would be violated if Elmer Palmer was allowed to profit from his crime. It was also related that the legislature could not reasonably be expected to foresee any contingencies when laws were being drafted and so such disdainful behavior ought to be punished. This is similar to the views of Justice Keen in the Speluncean Explorers case where he opines that the statutes of law must be upheld in any circumstances no matter what the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Accounting Changes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting Changes - Case Study Example counting principles like Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), clerical errors etc (Arens, Beasley, and Elder, 2009). When restatement occurs, particularly out of negative reasons, then the confidence of shareholders is changed and the stock price is reduced. The organization selected for this report is Ener1 which restated its financial statement of December 31, 2010 and March 31, 2011. In order to reflect the impairments of its investment in Think Holdings the company restated its financial statement of December 31, 2010 as the transaction had been previously recorded in the financial statement of March 31, 2011 instead of financial statement of December 31, 2010. In addition to this, the company restated its financial statement in order to record accounts receivables with Think Global and loan receivables including accrued interest with Think Holdings in the period of December, 2011 (The Wall Street Journal, 2011). Also the revenues with Think Holdings and Think Global have to be recorded within the period they have occurred so that the financial statement of the company follows the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). One of the major responsibilities of the management is to reflect the true value of the company in the financial statement and when financial statements are prepared they should reflect the true financial position of the organization (Khan, 1993). Financial statements of Ener1 did not include revenues, accounts receivables and loan receivables during the period within which they occurred and, therefore, the value showed by the financial statement of Ener1 did not reflect its true value. However, it is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the transactions are recorded within the period when they occur. In addition to this, it is important for the management to ensure that the financial statements of the organization are prepared according to the accepted

Friday, August 23, 2019

Relationship between Women and Early Cinema Essay

Relationship between Women and Early Cinema - Essay Example It was said that films embody a complex historical, cultural, and aesthetic relationship which the effect of each result in the other's development (Knopt 2005, p. 37). The cinema is hence not just a social tool that provides entertainment, but also one in which the cultural and social aspects of society are reflected. It promotes intents and clamors for what must be geared for by people in general. It may be inferred that the cinema has a model of attraction in which the audience is significantly drawn into. This attraction provides a relationship between the viewer and the film, in which a relationship between the cinema and its connection to the era's entertainments and expositions of technologies are highlighted (Strauven 1999, p. 121). What this concept implies is that there was indeed a cinema which offered viewers a specific pleasure, a pleasure characterized by different degrees - from the plot itself to the dresses and clothing of the cast. A cinema of attractions, like the early cinema, addresses the viewers directly and become the privileged recipients of the pleasures. By its very nature, narrative cinema relegates the viewer to the safe position of observer-voyeur (Strauven 1999, p. 121), in which the viewers are given the privilege to peek closely at the physical characteristics of characters, their motives, behavior, facial expressions, and even the manner of dres sing. The film spectacle is thus an act of showing which presents sudden bursts of presentations created for pleasure of immediate vision-apparition (Strauven 1999, p. 122). This conception is grounded on the fact that the camera is able to see and conceive things and the world differently. It was posited that the machinery of cinema involves powers and qualities that allow it to become an attraction machine, in which attraction itself is a corroborative idea that is enduringly present in its heart. Historians agree that during the first few decades of the cinema, a spectacular, direct, and exhibitionist model was created making it a vision machine that offer marvelous visions. It is clear that women and fashion were two dominant elements in early cinema, existing hand in hand with each other as they inflict new values among the viewers. There was no lead actress that dressed poorly unless her role asked for it, which eventually transforms her to a beautiful girl in high fashion. The women depicted were young ones, attributing to the important connection between youth and eroticism and the corresponding cut of clothing necessary to reveal this eroticism. Looking good is essential in this pursuit in which it is necessary to cast beautiful women with beautiful bodies characterised with slim waists and large breasts which early cinema was accounted for. As we have posited that the cinema in general provides observation and voyeurism, a beautiful face and body are hence important ingredients of these aspects, in which fashion and good dressing are likewise contributory factors. The cinema affects the viewed in a sense that it tends to promote all these aforemen tioned which the viewers easily adopt and create as a form of fashion style. Certain approaches to courtship, dating and sex are also promoted by the cinema as a form of mass media affecting the habits and values of people in its usage of beautiful erotic bodies and equally good dressing of women characters. Eroticism is the

Assimilation waves Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assimilation waves - Essay Example Cultural pluralism arises when smaller groups within a larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, values, and beliefs which become accepted by the larger culture as long as they are in line with the provided laws and values of the greater society. In this context, ethnic groups co-exist side by side while at the same time showing respect for other cultures that exist around them. Ethnic groups in America should be free to engage in the activities of the society’s major activities while at the same time able to retain their own ethnic heritage and identity. Thus the main strength of this theory is that it allows ethnic groups to retain their cultural ideologies It has to do with the conformity to the fixed standards, regulations and requirements so as to feel part of given society. This theory advocated for the immigrants to learn English language adaptation of norms, values, and ideologies in order to conform to the integral Anglo-American society as well as the greater Anglo-Saxon community. The United States came up with various concepts in a bid to explain what was meant to be called an American. Therefore, the immigrants had to change their way of life in order to accommodate new ideologies such as civil rituals, the English language and other aspects of the American culture. The weakness of this theory is that it ruins the patterns of life of given ethnic group as they seek to conform to another culture which in essence demeans a particular group.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Brave New World Essay Example for Free

Brave New World Essay In the novel, Brave New World, the concept of class in society was basically predetermined by the government. Generally, every of aspect of the people’s lives, such as birth, growth, and death is controlled by government-manipulated technology. The government controls life by cloning thousands of human embryos in a facility called the Central London Hatching and Conditioning Center. After the cloning process, the embryos are manipulated to become fully-grown humans and divided into the different classes of the society’s caste system, namely, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. The humans belonging to the Alpha class are the most intellectually and physically-developed ones and are conditioned to become the leaders of the World State while the others are less developed and have minor roles in the society. The Beta class are also conditioned to be intellectual human beings but do not posses the same skills and intelligence as the humans in the Alpha class. On the other hand, the humans belonging to the Delta and Gamma classes are mainly workers for the higher classes. Lastly, humans in the Epsilon class possess little or no intelligence and only perform menial labor. Furthermore, in the novel, there is also another class which is comprised of â€Å"exiles† of the society. This class is basically isolated from the rest of the world as it is located in an area called â€Å"The Savage Reservation,† which is a place where all the things that are not present in prevailing society, such as marriage, natural childbirth, and religion, still exist. Basically, these various concepts of class in the novel can be related to the different classes of society and the general ideas of success and failure in modern America. In Americas contemporary setting, the different classes of society can be divided into three: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class or the rich, the average, and the poor. When compared to the caste system in the novel, the upper class is the Alpha class, the middle class is the Beta class, and the Delta, Gamma, and Epsilon class are the lower classes. For example, in the modern setting, people who do menial labor like the human beings who belong to the Epsilon class in the novel, are the ones who usually did not finish school due to various reasons such as poverty. This condition is basically considered a â€Å"failure† in contemporary America as the person is unable to go up the ranks in society. Moreover, the condition of this type of person will be passed on to future generations unless his or her children are able to overcome their main obstacle, which is poverty, and get a good education. The same applies to the Epsilon class. As portrayed in the novel, the Epsilon class is the lowest class in the caste system who have little or no intelligence, which can be translated in modern America as lack or inability to get a good education. In contrast, people who were able to get a decent education and have a modest lifestyle is similar to the Beta class in the novel as both generally enjoy a sustainable amount of success. However, there is little to no chance that people belonging to both classes would further go up societys ranks. On the other hand, people who are rich and influential like the humans who belong to the Alpha class as portrayed in the novel usually end up owning multi-million businesses or winning top government posts. In other words, these are the people who control a large part of society. However, the main difference between the caste system in the novel and the modern concept of class in America is that the former was forced upon by other people while the latter was not. In short, the people who belong to different classes in todays society always have the freedom to direct their own lives while the humans who are divided according to the

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Elements Of Promotional Mix

Elements Of Promotional Mix The term mix implies that a companys promotion strategy is focused on more than one element, so the challenge is to integrate these different communication tools in an effective way. Following are different elements: Advertising: Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products in the prim media, i.e. television, the press, posters, cinema, and radio. it possesses strengths and limitations , and should be combined with other promotional tools to form an integrated marketing communications campaign. Media vehicles: Television: Presence in room with set switched on at turn of clock minute to relevant channel, provided that presence in room with set on is for at least 15 consecutive seconds Press: Read or looked at any issue (for at least two minutes) within the publication period (for example, for weeklies, within the last seven days) Posters: traffic past site (including pedestrians) Cinema: Actual cinema admissions Key characteristics: Good for awareness building because it can reach a wide audience quickly. repetition means that a brand positioning concept can be communicated effectively Can be used to aid the sales effort, to legitimize a company and its products The top five advertisers in UK Procter and Gamble COI Communications (UK Govt) Unilever LOreal Golden BT Source: European Marketing Pocket Book2006, Henley-on-Thomas, World Advertising Research canter Ltd. Personal Selling: Personal Selling occurs when the company representative interacts directly with a consumer or prospective consumer to communicate about the good or service. This form of promotion is a far more intimate way to talk to the market. Many organisations relay heavy on personal selling because at times the personal touch can carry more weight than mass media material. In a business-to-business market situations such as at sash UK participating in international trade shows provides an example for sales people at sash o demonstrate their goods, provide a personal touch, and begin to develop crucial relationships with clients. Also, many industrial products and services are too complex or expensive to market effectively in impersonal ways (such as through mass advertising) Another advantage of personal selling is that salespeople are firms eyes and ears in the market place. They learn which competitors are talking to customers, what is being offered, what new rival products are on the way and all sorts of competitors intelligence. Salespeople perform a vital role in the success of firms consumer relationship management system- providing a source of timely and accurate informational input about customers and market. Personal selling has much importance for students because many graduate jobs with marketing background will enter professional sales jobs. The old business adage nothing happens until something is sold translates into many firms placing quite a bit of emphasis on personal selling. Key characteristics: Interactive questions can be answered and objectives overcome Adaptable: presentations can be changed depending upon consumer needs Complex arguments can be developed Relationships can be built because of its personal nature Direct Marketing: Direct Marketing refers to any direct communication to a customer or business recipient that is designed to generate response in the form of an order, and/or a visit to a shop or other place of business for purchase of product. Direct marketing covers a wide array of methods including: Direct mail: Direct mail is sent through the postal service to the recipients house or business address with the purpose of promoting the product and or maintaining ongoing relationships. Direct mail at its best allows close targeting of individuals in a way not possible using mass advertising media. For example, Heinz employs direct mail to target its customers and prospects. Telemarketing: Telemarketing is a marketing communication system where trained specialists use telecommunications and information technologies to conduct marketing and sales activities. For example callers by using their credit cards may book theatre tickets or sports tickets or purchase products online. Catalogue Marketing: Catalogue marketing is the sale of products through catalogues distributed to agents and customers, usually by mail or at stores if the catalogue marketer is the store owner. Catalogue marketing is popular in Europe, with such organisations as Otto Versand and Quelle Schikedanz (Germany), GUS and Next Directory (UK). Key characteristics: Individual targeting of customers most likely to respond to an appeal Communication can be personalized Short term effectiveness can be easily measured A continuous relationship through periodic contact can be built Activities are less visible to competitors Internet promotion: The web gives the marketers to reach customers in a new and exciting way. The promotion of product pr s to consumers and business through electronic media. Online advertising has grown in European Union to â‚ ¬6.8 billion in 2007, having substantially increasing in later years. Specific forms of internet advertising include banners, buttons; pop up ads, search engines and directories and e-mails. Banners: These rectangular graphics at the top or bottom of web pages were the first form of web advertising. Although the effectiveness of banners remains in question (banners now receive less than one percent click -through rate), they still remain most popular form of web-advertising. Buttons: These are small banner type advertisements that a company can place anywhere on a page. Early in the life of the internet, buttons encouraging suffers to Download Netscape Now became a standard on many websites were responsible for much of Netscape early success. Search Engine and Directory Listings: Just as the yellow pages and other directories of advertising media, so too are search engines and other online directory listings. Increasingly, firms are paying search engines for more visible or higher placement on result lists. Pop up Ads: A pop up ad is an advertisement that appears on a screen while a web page is being loaded or after it is loaded. Because the pop up ad will take the centre of the screen while surfers are waiting ti desired page to load, they are difficult to ignore. Because surfers find pop ups nuisance, most internet access software provides an option that blocks all the pop ups. A pop up ad opens in separate browser window. Web advertisers are typically charged only if people actually click through to the ad. E- mail: For advertising, E-mail is becoming as persuasive as radio and television. It is one of the easiest way of communication with customers because marketers can send unsolicited e-mail advertising messages to thousands of users y spamming- sending unsolicited e-mail to five or more people not personally known to sender. Key characteristics: Global reach at the relatively low cost The number of site visits can be measured A dialogue between companies and their consumers and suppliers can be established Convenient form of searching and buying products. Direct sales possible Sales Promotion: Sales Promotion as marketing activities usually specific to a time period, place, or customer group which encourage a direct response from consumers or marketing intermediaries, through the offer of additional benefits. Media and non media communication are employed for a predetermined to increase consumer demand and improve product availability. Types of sales promotions: Non-Standard: Promotions are usually temporary, and may be limited to certain customer groups (such as airline frequent flyer schemes) or specific to a particular distribution channel (as in tailor-made promotions involving a producer and a single retailer. Response Oriented: Promotions seek a direct response from customers, or those who deal with customers on the producers behalf. The direct response sought is not necessarily for a sale. Promotions may encourage customers to send for a brochure, visit a dealer or consume a sample. The ultimate aim is always sales, but this is true of all marketing activity. Benefit Oriented: Promotions offer their targets, additional benefits, beyond the standard marketing mix. The enhanced nix could include extra product, a reduced price or an added item, service or opportunity. Key characteristics: incentives provide quick boost to sales Effects may be only short term Product trial often twinned with a competition Gift Coupons helps to encourage repeat purchases Suitable if push strategy is used Suitable if the product is Expensive Public Relations: Public Relations are the communication function that seeks to build good relationships with an organisations public. These include consumers, stockholders, legislators and other shareholders in the organization. Today marketers use public relations activities to influence the attitudes and perceptions of various groups not only towards companies and brands but also towards politicians, celebrities, and -not-for profit organisations. Public Relation is crucial to an organisations ability to establish and maintain a favourable image. The communication of a product or business by placing information about it in the media without paying for the time or space directly. For example, marketers create and manage publicity; unpaid communication about an organisation that gets media exposure. This strategy helps to create awareness about a product or event, as when a local newspaper reporting on an forthcoming concert feature, an interview with the bands lead guitarist around the time that the tickets go on sale. Some of the Public Relations channels are Newspapers and magazines articles/reports, charitable contributions, press releases, seminars etc. High credible as message comes from a third party Higher readerships than advertisements in trade and technical publications PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY DECISIONS Practising managers faced by a mix of five tactical choices Target: Prudent marketing managers will make sure that their choices are indeed based on carefully considered target audience analysis, drawing as appropriative on the advice of the professional consultancies that have proliferated in all the subdisciples over the last decade. Message: A less obvious tactical consideration is the nature of the promotional message. A simple, brash statement might lend itself to poster advertising, perhaps, while a complex persuasive argument could be accomplished by highly personalised and carefully targeted direct mail shot. Cost: The cost of available promotional option is clearly a key criterion of choice. The facts are easily accessible in practice but no complex and susceptible to change overtime that it would be rash to attempt even a summary here. Measurement: equally clearly prudent managers will be concerned with the scope for the measurement of effectiveness. Ex: Advertising through there is ample scope for debate as to their real worth among experts. Control: The final key factor in deployment describes is the degree of control, the user can exert over the outcome of the initiative. INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is the process that marketers used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programmes over time about the organisation and its products to targeted audiences. The objective is to position products and organizations clearly and distinctively in the market place. Integrated marketing communications facilitates the process by which this is achieved by sending out consistent messages through all the components of the promotional mix, so that they reinforce one another. As the array of communication media expands there is greater need to coordinate the messages and their execution. This has led to the adoption of integrated marketing communications; by an increasing number of companies. For Example, it means that we site visuals are consistent with the images portrayed in advertising and that the messages conveyed in a directing campaign are in the with those developed by the public relations d epartment. DEVELOPING INTEGRATED MARKETING PLAN Step 1: Identify Target Audiences Step 2: Establish Communication objectives Step 3: Determine and Allocate the marketing communication budget Step 1: To determine who the target market is. Here good customer database is most important. By maintaining the customer database marketers know who their target market as well as the buying behaviour of different segment within the total market. Step 2: To establish communication objectives. The whole point of communicating with customers and prospective customers is to let them know that the organisation has a product to meet their needs in a timely and affordable way. Step 3: Determine and Allocate the marketing communications budget seems to be easy in reality its not that simple. It includes three steps: Determining and allocate the marketing: Most firms rely on two budgeting Techniques top down and bottom up. Top down budgeting techniques: requires top management to establish the overall amount that the organisation allocates for the promotional activities and this amount is then divided among advertisements, public relations and other promotional departments. Most commonly used method of techniques are: Percentage of sales Competitive parity Bottom Up: At the beginning identify promotional goals and allocate enough money to promote them. Most commonly used method: Objective task Deciding the strategy Push Strategy: Push Strategy means that the company wants to move its products by convincing members of the distribution channel such as wholesalers, agents or retailers to offer them and entice their customers to select these items. Ex: Personal selling, Trade advertisements and sales promotions. Pull Strategy: Pull strategy is counting on consumers wanting its products and so convincing retailers to respond to this demand by stocking them. In this case, efforts will focus on media advertising and consumer sales promotion to stimulate interest among end consumers who will pull the product onto shop shelves then onto their shopping baskets. Ex: Procter and Gamble reduced consumer sales promotion spending in the early 19900s when adopting its value pricing strategy. Designing the Promotional mix budget Factors affecting the IMC budget: Organisational Focus Market Potential Market size Step 4: It includes determining the specific communication tools that will be used, what message is to be communicated. Planners must ask how elements of promotional mix can be used most effectively to communicate with different target audiences. The message should focus on Get attention Hold Interest create desire Product action Step 5: The final step in marketing communications is to decide whether the plan is working. The marketer needs to determine whether the communication objectives are adequately translated into marketing communications that are reaching the right target audiences. PERSONAL APPEALS The most immediate way for a marketer to make contact with customer is simply to tell them how wonderful the product is. This part of the personal selling element of the promotional mix we mentioned previously. It is the direct interaction between the company representative and consumer that occur in personal or by phone or even over interactive computer link. Personal appeals can be tremendously effect, especially for expensive and complicated consumer items such as computers or cars and for industrial products where human touch is essential. MASS APPEALS The other pieces of the promotional mix are those messages which are intended to reach many perspective consumers at the same time which are impersonal and the lack of human touch. Examples of mass appeals advertising, Sales promotion and public relations. BUZZ APPEALS Many marketers are starting to figure out that they must find alternatives to traditional advertising. Especially young consumers are very cynical about the efforts of big corporations to buy their allegiance. Types of Buzz Appeals: Word of Mouth: Giving people a reason to talk about your products and services and making it easier for that conversation to take place. Ex: Burger king and Nike Buzz Marketing: Using high- profile entertainment or news to get people to talk about your brand. Ex; Puma, Procter and Gamble. Viral Marketing: Creating entertaining or informative messages that are designed to be passed along in an exponential fashion, often electronically or by e-mail. Ex: Microsoft and Nestle. Guerrilla Marketing: The concept of Guerrilla marketing was invented as an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big marketing budget. The objective of Guerrilla marketing is to create a unique, engaging and thought provoking concept to generate buzz, and consequently turn viral. It is specifically geared for small business and entrepreneurs. CONCLUSION One golden rule of promotions management is that over use of any technique will blunt its effectives. Innovation and creativity are key success factors, and recent advances in packaging and information technology have provided many exciting new ways to offer customers extra benefits. The implications for marketing management of the boom in promotions are becoming increasingly clear. In todays competitive market place the professional management of promotion has become a matter of life and death for an ever growing number of brands. INTRODUCTION Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion). It is the communication link between the buyers and sellers for the purpose of informing, influencing, or persuading a potential buyers purchasing decision. Types of promotion Above the line promotion: Promotion in the media. For example (television, radio, newspapers, internet) Below the line promotion: All the other promotion, much of this is intended to be suitable enough for the consumer to be unaware that promotion is taking place. For example (direct mail, sponsorship, public relations) The specification of these elements creates a promotional mix. These elements are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations. A promotional mix has wide range of objectives i.e. new product acceptance, sales to be increased, positioning, creation of brand equity and creation of corporate image.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Marketing Mix: Tactical Components To Promote Sales

Marketing Mix: Tactical Components To Promote Sales Carlsberg is also one of the largest brewers in Europe. Moreover, Carlsberg is headquartered in Valby in Copenhagen, Denmark. Carlsberg beer portfolio includes more than 500 brands and they are varies significantly in term of volume, price, target audience and geographic penetration. The companys main brand is Carlsberg Beer but it also brews Tuborg as well too. In January 2001, Carlsberg breweries decided to merge with the Norwegian brewery group Orkla ASA and later Carlsberg has become the fifth largest brewery group in the world. Currently, Povl Krogsgaar-Larsen is the Chairman of the Executive Board of Carlsberg Foundation while Jess Soderberg is the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Carlsberg Foundation. Meanwhile, Flemming Besenbacher is one of the members of the Executive Board of Carlsberg Foundation from 2005 until today. 1.1 History Background Carlsberg was constituted in 1847 by J.C. Jacobsen on a hill at Valby. In order to expand the brand name of Carlsberg, it decided to start its exportation in the year 1868. In 1870, Carlsberg had started to become a very successful brewery and the founder, J.C. Jacobsen wanted to share his business with his country. In 1875, the Carlsberg Research Centre was established to research on scientific problem related to brewing and pioneered the very latest brewing technology and techniques. There are more than 1000 scientists devoted to the art of quality beer manufacturing currently. J.C. Jacobson established the Carlsberg Foundation in 1876. In the year 1906, the Old Carlsberg and New Carlsberg have merged and changed the name to Carlsberg breweries due to the division of production was not viable in the long term. As for today, Carlsberg is the beer for modern young people who speak one language in the world with no boundaries. As for information, the Carlsberg brand also provides support to various contests in the world, such as golf tournaments in Asia and English Liverpool Football Club. Carlsberg has it owns organization target, mission and vision. The mission of Carlsberg Company is to be a dynamic provider of quality beers and its also bring its exciting brand, innovative culture and committed teams which will brings people together and add more enjoyment in life. Furthermore, their companys vision is probably the leading the beer company among the world in order to become the first choice of the consumers, customers and employees and also by fully understanding their needs and proactively driving market development. 2.0 What is Marketing Mix? Marketing mix is a combination of tactical components to promote the sales of a product or service (MarketingTeacher, 2010). The firm can control the marketing mix in order to achieve specific goals within a dynamic marketing environment. Basically, the major marketing decision can be divided into four categories which are known as product, price, promotion and place (also known as 4Ps). Product Product is a complex combination of tangible and intangible attributes that provide satisfaction and benefits to the society such as the good, service and idea (Prentice Hall, 2008). When marketing a product, entrepreneurs need to consider and decide the factors which are quality, design, features, variety, utility, branding, packaging and labeling of a particular product. Carlsberg decided to carry out line extensions to extend its brand names to new forms, colors, sizes, ingredients or flavor of its existing product categories (Prentice Hall, 2008). Carlsberg has produced various types of beers in the market throughout the globe and they also try to launch different flavors of beers as they know that individual has different taste and preference for the beer products. By doing this, Carlsberg can be able to satisfy the consumers needs and wants. These are the popular types of beers of Carlsberg: Carlsberg Elephant Carlsberg Lager Tabor Gold Special Brew Tabor Green Danish Royal Stout Ginseng Carlsberg is made from pale lager malt, bittering hops, aroma hops and Carlsberg bottom fermenting yeast. However, Carlsberg has launched different types of beer which can match with various types of dishes, such as seafood, vegetarian, cheese and others (CarlsbergGroup, 2010). Carlsbergs beer products are considered as the convenience goods in consumer product due to the beer products is considered as an inexpensive item which consumers buy frequently and do not do much comparison with other substitute beer products. So, Carlsberg company will differentiate their beer products, produce quality beers, create nice style and design, wrap with unique packaging and labels in order to distinguish itself with its competitors in the global market, such as Heineken and Tiger. Besides, the raw materials that used to produce the beers are the malted barley, hops, yeast, gluten and water. The quality level is different with its competitors in the market because the type of the raw materials that Carlsberg used is not the same. For example, the ways they planted the hops which is one of the raw ingredients are different, so it will end up with different kind of taste. There are also some safety policies in Carlsberg, each of every branch that brews Carlsberg under license, they need to send every type of beers of its sample for once a month for the tasting panel to test in order to ensure the quality of the products (CarlsbergGroup, 2010). So, Carlsberg can consistently deliver the quality that customers pay for. However, one of the Carlsbergs competitors, Heineken, the company produced Buckler which is one of their beer products that is non-alcoholic. So, Heineken can target those young adults and all the religions in the world to buy its non-alcoholic products. Carlsberg did not produce any non-alcohol drink and it might lose its sales because Heineken targets all the consumers irregardless their religion in order to boost up their sale and competed with Carlsberg. Therefore, Carlsberg should also produce non-alcohol drink in order to compete with its tough competitors, Heineken. 3.1 Packaging In the packaging aspect, Carlsberg company uses aluminium cans and glass bottle which can be recycled. The purpose of the packaging is to protect the product from damage and assist retailers in attracting attention to the product (Prentice Hall, 2008). The diagram below shows the difference between the packaging designs of the Carlsberg Lager. BEFORE AFTER Changes of the packaging design of Carlsberg Lager. By doing this, Carlsberg can create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. Moreover, by making the packaging design unique, Carlsberg can competes with its competitors and its products packaging can also catch the attention of the consumers even if its products are on the same retail store shelves with other substitute beers. For example, Carlsberg started to use environmentally responsible packaging materials and packaging the Carlsberg lager into a unique style glass bottle and less used of papers on it. However, some elderly customers might not be able to see the words that are curved on the Carlsberg Lagers bottle and end up buying other substitute beers that the words can be see clearly. So, Carlsberg should also pay attention on the minority consumers and improve its packaging to look more outstanding than the other beer brands in the market. 3.2 Labeling Labels can be ranged from simple tags attached to products to complex graphics that are part of the package (Prentice Hall, 2008). Moreover, Carlsberg labels its products might also help to promote its products and also support its positioning. As for information, majority of the consumers will look at the percentage of the alcohol of the beer products and they prefer to buy those beer products contain with high percentage of alcohol. Carlsberg labels their beer products in detail: Carlsberg Special Brew It contains 12kcal of calories, 1.1g of carbohydrates, and 2.6g of alcohol. Carlsberg Lager It contains 12kcl of calories, 1.1g of carbohydrates, and 1.1g of alcohol. Tabor It contains 12kcl of calories, 1.1g of carbohydrates, and 1.4g of alcohol. Carlsberg Elephant It contains 13.75kcl of calories, 1.3g of carbohydrates, and 2.9 g of alcohol. Danish Royal Stout Ginseng It contains 15kcl of calories, 1.1g of carbohydrates, and 0.1g of alcohol. Tabor Gold It contains 12kc of calories, 1.1g of carbohydrates, and 2.3g alcohol. Besides that, Carlsberg ensures that their labels contain all the required information and also stated on its products that young adults who are below the age of 18 could not consume its beer products. 3.3 Branding Branding is important to the company because branding can add value to a product. Consumers prefer to buy goods by viewing the brand of the particular goods in the market. Since 1904, Carlsberg has a strong and well-known brand name in the beer industry. The slogan of Carlsberg is Probably the best lager in the world. Previously, Carlsbergs original logos include the swastika and an elephant. However, the world famous Carlsberg logo was introduced by Thorvald Bindesbell in the year 1904, for the launch of Carlsberg pilsner (Logo Design, 2010). The crown on the logo stands for the companys association with the Royal Danish Court. Pricing Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service (Prentice Hall, 2008). It is important to set a price for a product to create and capture customer values in the market. In Malaysia, the government has an authority to set the price for Carlsbergs products which is banned from Muslim. Several country like Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Malaysia have implemented piecemeal legislation such as banning the advertising on TV for any alcoholic beverages but the alcohol companies still have the right and freedom to promote their products. In addition to duties and excise tax, the government levies a sales tax of 20 per cent on the Carlsbergs beer product. As Carlsberg consumption is consider as price-sensitive, major changes in taxes may have an impact on demand. In Russia, an extreme 200% increase in excise duties on beer was implemented in January 2010, and in July 2009 the Ukraine implemented a significant increase of 94% in beer excise duty (Bloomberg, 2010). Carlsberg has carry out thorough scenario planning for 2010 and subsequent years based on already known and anticipated increases in beer excise duty levels. The scenarios include evaluation of prices, packaging and product mix, regional and national market positions and microeconomic factors such as changes in supply and demand for various input costs. Price list of Carlsberg Products The tables above show the price list of the product of both company according to the types of beers and the size volume of the beers. We have converted the price of each product from the United State Dollar ($) to Ringgit Malaysia (RM). 4.1 Internal and external considerations Every country has different pricing for Carlsbergs beer products. For example, Malaysia is an Islamic country. So, malays are not allowed to consume alcoholic drinks. The price of Carlsberg in Malaysia supposedly to be charged in a lower price compared to non-Islamic country. There are some areas in Malaysia which have duty-free for Carlsberg such as Pulau Langkawi. 4.2 Pricing Strategies Price-Adjustment Strategies Segmented pricing: Segmented pricing is to adjust the price to allow for differences in customers, products or locations (Prentice hall, 2008). Carlsberg company uses location pricing, so the price of Carlsberg can be adjusted and flexible but it depends on different country and even in restaurants. Carlsberg focus their sales in pub, restaurants or clubbing place. For instance, comparing the price of Carlsberg between pub and mini market, it seems obviously that the price of Carlsberg in pub would be relatively higher than mini market because people who go to pub are found to be able to afford it and the area of the pub is considered as high class. Carlsberg implements Everyday low pricing (EDLP) which involves charging a constant everyday low price with few or no temporary price discounts. It usually will have some discounts during the festival seasons like Chinese New Year and Christmas. Besides that, Carlsberg use pricing at or near which is one of the pricing strategies. There are few substitute beer products in the market, so the price of the Carlsbergs products will be the same or slightly different with the other substitute beer products. Thus, it can prevent the happening of the price war between Carlsberg and other beer brands. As for information, the price of Carlsbergs products are cheaper compared to the price of Heinekens product but it is slightly lower than the price of Heinekens product. However, the price of Carlsberg and Tiger are the same regardless the size of the beer or packaging. This will be tough for Carlsberg to boost up its sales due to the price for Carlsberg and Tiger are the same in the market. Carlsberg can increase its sales by improving the quality of the beers and give out free gift whenever consumers purchase a carton of Carlbergs beer products. By giving out free gift or limited edition stuff, it will attract the consumers to buy Carlsbergs beer products rather than buying other substitute beer brands in the market. 5.0 Promotion: Carlsberg is well-known in 105 countries such as Japan, Australia, Africa, China, India, and Malaysia, etc and sold in more than 150 markets. Besides that, Carlsberg has adopted some aggressive promotions around the world to pursuit people consume and aware it. In order to compete with its competitors, promotion must be done in order to increase the reputation, generate sales and profits. There are few strong beer brand eager to compete with Carlsberg since Carlsberg is an international business which have branches all around the world, such as Asia, Europe, and other countries. Promotion tactics for Carlsberg are advertising, public relations, sale promotion and personal selling. Moreover, Carlsberg is creating brand awareness in the public. Its public relations is Carlsberg Hue Zing Education Fund (CEF) which give out Studies Loan to all Malaysian citizens who are enrolled in local or foreign institutions of higher learning hold certificate in UEC, SPM or STPM, or any higher certificate. In the Year 2009, the Carlsberg Hue Zing Education Fund had allocated about RM450, 000 which had aided 31 students in need of financial assistance. By doing this, Malaysia citizens will have a good impression on Carlsberg and tend to consume its beer products due to other beer brands never adopt this strategy to create awareness for their products. Carlsberg was crowned the Grand Prize winner of the 11 annual Chinese New Year greeting advertisement award organized by China Press and Nan yang Siang Pau. It cleverly illustrates the transformation of the Chinese character from Ox to Life by adding the iconic Carlsberg swoosh. Furthermore, Carlsberg also have produced their own bottle opener which had their brand name on stated on it. The Glass Beer which label with the logo and Carlsberg Pilsner is also one of the promotion for Carlsberg in Malaysia. 5.1 Advertising Case 1 The contest open to all non-Muslim residents of Malaysia ONLY. Join the Carlsberg Monaco Promotion Contest now and you could win yourself an all expenses paid holiday on private yacht in Monaco. Buy the Carlberg beers that carry a scratch-to-win sticker , scratch it to get the code and submit the code complete with a slogan I am inspired à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (in 20 words or less) using SMS or via the website. For more informations, terms and conditions , please visit the contests site. Prizes : Grand Prize: 7D/6N all expenses paid holiday on private yacht in Monaco for 4 person Special Prize: 11 x 3D/2N paid holiday and yacht experience in Langkawi for 2 persons Weekly Prize: 15 x iPOD Shuffle (1GB) Contest End : On 25th May 2007 Posted: April 30, 2007 by in Buy Win Contests As the case 1 above, we can see that in order to increase their sales, Carlsberg create a campaign, which provide scratch-to-win sticker to some Carlsberg beer and the participants are required to provide a slogan with the requirement, free traveling is available if they win in the competition. Meanwhile, Carlsberg can also get some inspiration of Slogan from customers and knows more about their consumers. This will create a win-win situation which both the consumers and Carlsberg gain benefit too. In this case, Carlsberg shows that they take importance on the political environment on Malaysia. Malaysia is an Islamic country and alcoholic drinks is illegal in the past, after few years, the government allowed alcoholic drinks to be imported into Malaysia but with the condition that Islamic people are not allowed to purchased or consumed alcoholic drinks. So, Carlsberg only opened this competition for non-Muslim which they are allowed to purchase alcoholic drinks. This shows that Carlsberg did a research before they conduct this activity in Malaysia. Assuming if Carlsberg ignore the rule and regulations, the government will take action on them, or even banned them from importing the alcoholic drinks to Malaysia. 5.2 Direct Mail Direct Mail is a method of advertising to increase the awareness of what promotion does the company had. It is now being claimed that is the fastest and the most saving cost in order to advertise. Carlsberg company spends money on buying the database to record the customers information, such as income level, race, age, taste and preference. By doing this, mailing to the right consumers to promote Carlsbergs beer products will be much more effective than mailing to those consumers who are not interested in alcoholic drinks. So, Carlsberg can send promotion via email to the customers to inform them about their new beer products and contest. However, one of the problems being faced by Carlsberg is that their name was being used by illegal organization which used their company address to scam people money. As shown in below, one of the consumers received the email which was send by the scammer and the email stated that she won a lottery which up to 650,000.00 Pounds from Carlsberg Beer Carlsberg Malta Company. When she attempted to called the contact number that was provided in the mail, she was shocked to find out that the people ask her to pay a few thousand pounds for the bank transfer fees before she can get the rewards. Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 03:27:09 -0600 (MDT) From: Carlsberg Company Promotion [emailprotected] Reply-To: [emailprotected] Subject: You Won 650.000.00 Pounds Sterlings: File For Clam now Carlsberg UK Ltd, Jacobsen House 140 Bridge Street, Northampton, NN1 1PZ ***PROMOTION NOTIFICATION*** Dear Winner, This is to inform you of the Award of Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds (650,000.00 Pounds) from Carlsberg Beer Carlsberg Malta Company.This Promotion Award is to raise the profile of Carlsberg Beer Carlsberg Malta Products consumers males / females in rural and urban Areas. The online promotions email lists were generated from the World Wide Web. This promotion takes place annually to challenge and to take market share from the popular Dutch import beer. The tactics included live events, local campaigns and general buzz to establish the brand one neighborhood at a time in major urban / rural Areas.Your Email Ref Number falls within our European booklet representatives office in United Kingdom . In view of this, your Award of Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds Sterlings (650,000.00 Pounds Sterlings) will be released to you by will commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him, find below the contact details Mr. Edward Phil Processing Director. Email: [emailprotected] Tel: +44 70457 24289 He will brief you on steps to be taken for due processing and remittance of your prize money. File in for your Claims by Furnishing your Fiduciary Agent the information below. VERIFICATION AND FUNDS RELEASE FORM 1. FULL NAMES:________________ 2. ADDRESS:_________City_________State________Postcode_______Country_____ 3. SEX:________________ 4. AGE:________________ 5. OCCUPATION:________________ 6. TELEPHONE NUMBER:________________ 7. NATIONALITY:____________________ Mode Of Transfer: (Bank to Bank online Transfer) From the management of Carlsberg Company UK we would like to say a big congratulation to you Sincerely, Mrs. Dianne Thompson Online Coordinator, Carlsberg Beer Malta Breweries In this case, Carlsberg should be aware of scam organization in the world and it should start to take actions to solve the serious scamming problems which will harm the company brand name in the future. Carlsberg can publishes through newspaper or via Email that they would never organize any contest which will need the customers to bank in a certain amount of money in order to win prizes. The promotion mix of Carlsberg is not very efficient because it is lacked of public relation. Therefore, if the consumers give any comments or suggestions, Carlsberg can make any adjustment to fulfill the consumer wants and improve their beer products quality in the future. 6.0 Place: Carlsberg company distributes its products throughtout the world. Carlsberg has divided their market into four groups which are Afica and Middle East, Americas, Asia and Europe. There are about 45,000 people are working for Carlsberg Group. Besides that, Carlsbergs products are available in exactly 314 countries all over the world. Furthermore, Carlsberg also has the same distribution channel with Heineken (its competitor) such as the wholesale distribution and retail distribution to distribute their products to the customers. Carlsberg will deliver their products to a combination of convience store or hypermarkers like Tesco or Jusco. Carlsberg does not have any distrbution center like Heineken or Tiger because Carlsberg focus on the retail distribution to distribute their products. Some of the example of the retail distribution are the pubs, clubs or bars. Carlsberg will establish alliance with some of the retail distribution to increase their sales. The market of Carlsberg in Africa is categorized according to the geographical. They made the segmentation into West Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, Eastern Africa and also North Africa. The Carlsberg Group has been active in western Africa for many years. In central Africa, currently there are only four markets present in Central Africa which is Gabon, Congo, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. In Cameroon, Les Brasseries du Cameroun has been producing Tuborg Gold locally since 1979, along with the range of local brands. Cameroon is a very competitive market compared to the rest of the region, with the consumption of 25 liters per person per year. In December 1969, Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad began brewing with Carlsberg Green Label beer locally in 1972. The Carlsberg brand had become the part of daily life and it is now the undisputed market leader with more than a 50% share of the Malaysian beer market. Carlsberg Malaysia has aimed to be at the forefront of innovation and quality and always led the market with dynamic product launches and massive consumer campaigns. In 2008, Carlsberg Green Label received Malaysias Gold Most Trusted Brand Award for the ninth consecutive year in the Readers Digest consumer survey. In the same year, Carlsberg Malaysia was also announced as the winner of the 2008 Strongest Winning Culture Award amongst all the Carlsberg Group Company across the world. Furthermore, Carlsberg company plans to enter into the Germanys market. There are about 1300 breweries in Germany which is quite a lot of number compare to other small retails. The Germany beer is known as Carlsberg Deutschland. The Germany beer market has been rather sheltered from the rest of the world because of the German Reinheitsgebot regulation, which dated back to the year of 1516. In 2004, Carlsberg acquires a majority shareholding in Holsten-Brauerei. The market position of Carlsberg in Northern Germany is second, while at the whole Germany is the fifth. As for the distribution part, we suggest that Carlsberg should follow the steps of Heineken and Tiger (its competitors) to open several distribution center in many countries, so that the consumers can be able to consume Carlsbergs beer products at anytime and anywhere. Besides that, Carlsberg should also built some distribution center at the rural area, although the place was not well developed. By doing this, more and more people will start to know Carlsbergs brand name throughout the world regardless in the city or rural area. Stem Cells: History, Properties and Research Stem Cells: History, Properties and Research History Stem cells  are  cells  found in all multi cellular  organisms. They are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through  mitotic  cell division and  differentiate  into a diverse range of specialized cell types. Research in the stem cell field grew out of findings by  Ernest A. McCulloch  and James E. Till  at the  University of Toronto  in the 1960s The two broad types of mammalian stem cells are:  embryonic stem cells  that are isolated from the  inner cell mass  of  blastocysts, and  adult stem cells  that are found in adult tissues. In a developing  embryo, stem cells can differentiate into all of the specialized embryonic tissues. In adult  organisms, stem cells and  progenitor cells  act as a repair system for the body, replenishing specialized cells, but also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, or intestinal tissues. Stem cells can now be grown and transformed into specialized cells with characteristics consistent with cells of various tissues such as muscles or nerves through  cell culture. Highly plastic adult stem cells from a variety of sources, including  umbilical cord blood  and  bone marrow, are routinely used in medical therapies. Embryonic  cell lines  and  autologous  embryonic stem cells generated through  therapeutic cloning  have also been proposed as promising candidates for future therapies Contents (Jump to) 1  Properties 1.1  Self-renewal 1.2  Potency definitions 1.3  Identification 2  Embryonic 3  Adult 4  Amniotic 5  Induced pluripotent 6  Lineage 7  Treatments 8  Research patents 9  Key research events 10  References Properties The classical definition of a stem cell requires that it possess two properties: Self-renewal   the ability to go through numerous  cycles  of  cell division  while maintaining the undifferentiated state. Potency   the capacity to  differentiate  into specialized cell types. In the strictest sense, this requires stem cells to be either  totipotent  or  pluripotent   to be able to give rise to any mature cell type, although  multipotent  or  unipotent  progenitor cells  are sometimes referred to as stem cells. Self-renewal Two mechanisms exist to ensure that the stem cell population is maintained: Obligatory asymmetric replication   a stem cell divides into one  daughter cell  that is identical to the original stem cell, and another daughter cell that is differentiated Stochastic differentiation   when one stem cell develops into two differentiated daughter cells, another stem cell undergoes  mitosis  and produces two stem cells identical to the original. Potency definitions Pluripotent, embryonic stem cells originate as inner mass cells within a blastocyst. The stem cells can become any tissue in the body, excluding a placenta. Only the morulas cells are totipotent, able to become all tissues and a placenta. Human  embryonic  stem cells A: Cell colonies that are not yet differentiated. B:  Nerve  cell Potency  specifies the differentiation potential (the potential to differentiate into different cell types) of the stem cell. Totipotent  (a.k.a  omnipotent) stem cells can differentiate into embryonic and extraembryonic cell types. Such cells can construct a complete, viable, organism.  These cells are produced from the fusion of an egg and sperm cell. Cells produced by the first few divisions of the fertilized egg are also totipotent. Pluripotent  stem cells are the descendants of totipotent cells and can differentiate into nearly all cells,  i.e. cells derived from any of the three  germ layers. Multipotent  stem cells can differentiate into a number of cells, but only those of a closely related family of cells. Oligopotent  stem cells can differentiate into only a few cells, such as lymphoid or myeloid stem cells. Unipotent  cells can produce only one cell type, their own,  but have the property of self-renewal which distinguishes them from non-stem cells (e.g. muscle stem cells). Identification The practical definition of a stem cell is the functional definition a cell that has the potential to regenerate tissue over a lifetime. For example, the gold standard test for a bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) is the ability to transplant one cell and save an individual without HSCs. In this case, a stem cell must be able to produce new blood cells and immune cells over a long term, demonstrating potency. It should also be possible to isolate stem cells from the transplanted individual, which can themselves be transplanted into another individual without HSCs, demonstrating that the stem cell was able to self-renew. Properties of stem cells can be illustrated  in vitro, using methods such as  clonogenic assays, where single cells are characterized by their ability to differentiate and self-renew.  As well, stem cells can be isolated based on a distinctive set of cell surface markers. However,  in vitro  culture conditions can alter the behavior of cells, making it unclear whether the cells will behave in a similar manner  in vivo. Considerable debate exists whether some proposed adult cell populations are truly stem cells. Embryonic Embryonic stem cell lines  (ES cell lines) are cultures of cells derived from the  epiblast  tissue of the  inner cell mass  (ICM) of a  blastocyst  or earliermorula  stage embryos.  A blastocyst is an early stage  embryo-approximately four to five days old in humans and consisting of 50-150 cells. ES cells are  pluripotent  and give rise during development to all derivatives of the three primary  germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. In other words, they can develop into each of the more than 200 cell types of the adult  body  when given sufficient and necessary stimulation for a specific cell type. They do not contribute to the extra-embryonic membranes or the  placenta. Nearly all research to date has taken place using mouse embryonic stem cells (mES) or human embryonic stem cells (hES). Both have the essential stem cell characteristics, yet they require very different environments in order to maintain an undifferentiated state. Mouse ES cells are grown on a layer of gelatin and require the presence of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF). Human ES cells are grown on a feeder layer of mouse embryonic  fibroblasts(MEFs) and require the presence of basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF or FGF-2).  Without optimal culture conditions or genetic manipulation, embryonic stem cells will rapidly differentiate. A human embryonic stem cell is also defined by the presence of several transcription factors and cell surface proteins. The transcription factors  Oct-4,Nanog, and  Sox2  form the core regulatory network that ensures the suppression of genes that lead to differentiation and the maintenance of pluripotency.  The cell surface antigens most commonly used to identify hES cells are the glycolipids SSEA3 and SSEA4 and the keratan sulfate antigens Tra-1-60 and Tra-1-81. The molecular definition of a stem cell includes many more proteins and continues to be a topic of research. After nearly ten years of research,  there are no approved treatments using embryonic stem cells. The first human trial was approved by the US Food Drug Administration in January 2009.  However, as of August 2010, the first human trial had not yet been initiated. Although, The first human medical trial for embryonic stem cells started in Atlanta on October 13, 2010 for spinal injury victims. ES cells, being pluripotent cells, require specific signals for correct differentiation if injected directly into another body, ES cells will differentiate into many different types of cells, causing a  teratoma. Differentiating ES cells into usable cells while avoiding transplant rejection are just a few of the hurdles that embryonic stem cell researchers still face.  Many nations currently have  moratoria  on either ES cell research or the production of new ES cell lines. Because of their combined abilities of unlimited expansion and pluripotency, embryonic stem cells remain a the oretically potential source for  regenerative medicine  and tissue replacement after injury or disease. Adult Also known as  somatic stem cells and  germline  (giving rise to gametes) stem cells, they can be found in children, as well as adults. Stem cell division and differentiation.  A stem cell; B progenitor cell; C differentiated cell; 1 symmetric stem cell division; 2 asymmetric stem cell division; 3 progenitor division; 4 terminal differentiation Pluripotent adult stem cells are rare and generally small in number but can be found in a number of tissues including umbilical cord blood.  A great deal of adult stem cell research has focused on clarifying their capacity to divide or self-renew indefinitely and their differentiation potential.  In mice, pluripotent stem cells are directly generated from adult fibroblast cultures. Unfortunately, many mice dont live long with stem cell organs. Most adult stem cells are lineage-restricted (multipotent) and are generally referred to by their tissue origin (mesenchymal stem cell, adipose-derived stem cell,endothelial stem cell, etc.). Adult stem cell treatments have been successfully used for many years to treat leukemia and related bone/blood cancers through bone marrow transplants.  Adult stem cells are also used in veterinary medicine to treat tendon and ligament injuries in horses. The use of adult stem cells in research and therapy is not as  controversial  as  embryonic stem cells, because the production of adult stem cells does not require the destruction of an  embryo. Additionally, because in some instances adult stem cells can be obtained from the intended recipient, (an  autograft) the risk of rejection is essentially non-existent in these situations. Consequently, more US government funding is being provided for adult stem cell research. An extremely rich source for adult mesenchymal stem cells is the developing tooth bud of the mandibular third molar. While considered multipotent they may prove to be pluripotent. The stem cells eventually form enamel (ectodrm), dentin,periodontal ligament, blood vessels, dental pulp, nervous tissues, including a minimum of 29 different unique end organs. Because of extreme ease in collection at 8-10 years of age before calcification and minimal to no morbidity will probably constitute a major source for personal banking, research and multiple therapies. These stem cells have been shown capable of producing hepatocytes. Amniotic Multipotent stem cells are also found in  amniotic fluid. These stem cells are very active, expand extensively without feeders and are not tumorigenic.  Amniotic stem cells  are multipotent and can differentiate in cells of adipogenic, osteogenic, myogenic, endothelial, hepatic and also neuronal lines.  All over the world, universities and research institutes are studying  amniotic fluid  to discover all the qualities of amniotic stem cells, and scientists such as  Anthony Atala  and  Giuseppe Simoni  have discovered important results. From an ethical point of view, stem cells from  amniotic fluid  can solve a lot of problems, because its possible to catch amniotic stem cells without destroying embryos. For example, the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano called amniotic stem cell the future of medicine. Its possible to collect amniotic stem cells for donors or for autologuous use: the first US amniotic stem cells bank   opened in Medford, MA, by  Biocell Center  Corporation  Ã‚  and collaborates with various hospitals and universities all over the world Induced pluripotent These are not adult stem cells, but rather reprogrammed cells (e.g. epithelial cells) given pluripotent capabilities. Using genetic reprogramming with protein  transcription factors, pluripotent stem cells equivalent to  embryonic stem cells  have been derived from human adult skin tissue.  Shinya Yamanaka  and his colleagues at  Kyoto University  used the transcription factors Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4  in their experiments on cells from human faces.  Junying Yu,  James Thomson, and their colleagues at the  University of Wisconsin-Madison  used a different set of factors, Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Lin28,  and carried out their experiments using cells from human  foreskin. As a result of the success of these experiments,  Ian Wilmut, who helped create the first cloned animal  Dolly the Sheep, has announced that he will abandon  nuclear transfer  as an avenue of research. Frozen blood samples can be used as a source of induced pluripotent stem cells, opening a new avenue for obtaining the valued cells. Lineage They ensure self-renewal, stem cells undergo two types of cell division (see  Stem cell division and differentiation  diagram). Symmetric division gives rise to two identical daughter cells both endowed with stem cell properties. Asymmetric division, on the other hand, produces only one stem cell and a  progenitor cell  with limited self-renewal potential. Progenitors can go through several rounds of cell division before terminally  differentiating  into a mature cell. It is possible that the molecular distinction between symmetric and asymmetric divisions lies in differential segregation of cell membrane proteins (such as  receptors) between the daughter cells. An alternative theory is that stem cells remain undifferentiated due to environmental cues in their particular niche. Stem cells differentiate when they leave that niche or no longer receive those signals. Studies in  Drosophila  germarium have identified the signals dpp and adherens junctions that prevent germarium stem cells from differentiating. Main article:  Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell The signals that lead to reprogramming of cells to an embryonic-like state are also being investigated. These signal pathways include several  transcription factors  including the  oncogene  c-Myc. Initial studies indicate that transformation of mice cells with a combination of these anti-differentiation signals can reverse differentiation and may allow adult cells to become pluripotent. However, the need to transform these cells with an oncogene may prevent the use of this approach in therapy. Challenging the terminal nature of cellular differentiation and the integrity of lineage commitment, it was recently determined that the somatic expression of combined  transcription factors  can directly induce other defined somatic cell fates; researchers identified three neural-lineage-specific transcription factors that could directly convert mouse  fibroblasts  (skin cells) into fully-functional  neurons. This induced neurons (iN) cell research inspires the researchers to induce other cell types implies that  all  cells are  totipotent: with the proper tools, all cells may form all kinds of tissue. Treatments Medical researchers believe that stem cell therapy has the potential to dramatically change the treatment of human disease. A number of adult stem cell therapies already exist, particularly  bone marrow transplants  that are used to treat  leukemia.  In the future, medical researchers anticipate being able to use technologies derived from stem cell research to treat a wider variety of diseases including  cancer, Parkinsons disease,  spinal cord injuries,  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,  multiple sclerosis, and  muscle  damage, amongst a number of other impairments and conditions.  However, there still exists a great deal of social and scientific uncertainty surrounding stem cell research, which could possibly be overcome through public debate and future research, and further education of the public. One concern of treatment is the possible risk that transplanted stem cells could form tumors and have the possibility of becoming cancerous if cell division continues uncontrollably. Stem cells, however, are already studied extensively. While some scientists are hesitant to associate the therapeutic potential of stem cells as the first goal of the research, they find the investigation of stem cells as a goal worthy in itself. Contrarily, supporters of embryonic stem cell research argue that such research should be pursued because the resultant treatments could have significant medical potential. It is also noted that excess embryos created for  in vitro fertilization  could be donated with consent and used for the research Diseases and conditions where stem cell treatment is promising or emerging.  Bone marrow transplantation is, as of 2009, the only established use of stem cells. Research patents The  patents  covering a lot of work on human embryonic stem cells are owned by the  Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation  (WARF). WARF does not charge academics to study human stem cells but does charge commercial users. WARF sold  Geron Corp.  exclusive rights to work on human stem cells but later sued Geron Corp. to recover some of the previously sold rights. The two sides agreed that Geron Corp. would keep the rights to only three cell types. In 2001, WARF came under public pressure to widen access to human stem-cell technology. These patents are now in doubt as a request for reviewing the  US Patent and Trademark Office  has been filed by non-profit patent-watchdogs  The Foundation for Taxpayer Consumer Rights, and the  Public Patent Foundation  as well as molecular biologist Jeanne Loring of the Burnham Institute. According to them, two of the patents granted to WARF are invalid because they cover a technique published in 1993 for which a patent had already been granted to an Australian researcher. Another part of the challenge states that these techniques, developed by  James A. Thomson, are rendered obvious by a 1990 paper and two textbooks. The outcome of this legal challenge is particularly relevant to the Geron Corp. as it can only license patents that are upheld. Key research events January 2008   Robert Lanza and colleagues at Advanced Cell Technology and UCSF create the first human embryonic stem cells without destruction of the embryo January 2008   Development of human cloned blastocysts following  somatic cell nuclear transfer  with adult fibroblasts. February 2008   Generation of pluripotent stem cells from adult mouse liver and stomach: these iPS cells seem to be more similar to embryonic stem cells than the previously developed iPS cells and not tumorigenic, moreover genes that are required for iPS cells do not need to be inserted into specific sites, which encourages the development of non-viral reprogramming techniques. March 2008 The first published study of successful cartilage regeneration in the human knee using autologous adult mesenchymal stem cells is published by clinicians from Regenerative Sciences. October 2008   Sabine Conrad and colleagues at Tà ¼bingen, Germany generate  pluripotent stem cells  from spermatogonial cells of adult human testis by culturing the cells in vitro under  leukemia inhibitory factor  (LIF) supplementation. 30 October 2008   Embryonic-like stem cells from a single human hair. 1 March 2009   Andras Nagy, Keisuke Kaji,  et al.  discover a way to produce embryonic-like stem cells from normal adult cells by using a novel wrapping procedure to deliver specific genes to adult cells to reprogram them into stem cells without the risks of using a virus to make the change. The use of  electroporation  is said to allow for the temporary insertion of genes into the cell. 28 May 2009  Kim  et al.  announced that they had devised a way to manipulate skin cells to create patient specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), claiming it to be the ultimate stem cell solution. 11 October 2010  First trial of embryonic stem cells in humans References Becker AJ, McCulloch EA, Till JE (1963). Cytological demonstration of the clonal nature of spleen colonies derived from transplanted mouse marrow cells.   Siminovitch L, McCulloch EA, Till JE (1963). The distribution of colony-forming cells among spleen colonies.  Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology. Tuch BE (2006). Stem cells-a clinical update.  Australian Family Physician. Hans R. Schà ¶ler (2007). The Potential of Stem Cells: An Inventory. In Nikolaus Knoepffler, Dagmar Schipanski, and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner.  Humanbiotechnology as Social Challenge. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Mitalipov S, Wolf D (2009).  HYPERLINK, pluripotency and nuclear reprogrammingHYPERLINK  Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol   Ulloa-Montoya F, Verfaillie CM, Hu WS (Jul 2005). Culture systems for pluripotent stem cells.  J Biosci Bioeng.   Friedenstein AJ, Deriglasova UF, Kulagina NN, Panasuk AF, Rudakowa SF, Luria EA, Ruadkow IA (1974). Precursors for fibroblasts in different populations of hematopoietic cells as detected by the  in vitro  colony assay method.Â